Genuine Shadow Work

After I posted a recent essay, Ego, Self-Improvement, and Shadow Work, a brother engaged me in an interesting discussion.

Ego, Self-Improvement, and Shadow Work

As a practitioner of contemplation, my attention is often drawn to the ego, that sense of my separate identity in the world, including the picture of myself as a more or less unique human being with more or less stable characteristics

A Clarification on CM Exercises 1.1-1.5

Since the publication of Contemplative Masonry, I have occasionally received feedback that indicates a misunderstanding of intention for the exercises on mindful and prayerful behavior.

Contemplative Workshops & Retreats

Since publishing Contemplative Masonry, I have traveled the country, doing presentations about contemplative practice for lodges and other Masonic and non-Masonic groups.

A Letter to Petitioners and Candidates

What follows was written for a close friend who just got a petition. As I was writing, I realized it might be valuable to a larger audience, so I’m putting it out as an open letter and welcome others to share it as they wish.

Reflections on the Feast of Tishri

This annual Scottish Rite event celebrates the completion and dedication of King Solomon’s Temple, which is of utmost importance to Freemasonry, and certainly to the Scottish Rite.

On Poor Public Conduct by Masons

Recently I was browsing through social media and had occasion to recall that the essential documents and rituals of our tradition teach many things about how Masons should conduct themselves.

On Varieties of Masonic Esotericists

Masonic esotericists come in many varieties, and there are numerous ways of differentiating them into groups. For the moment, consider the following five categories: