Memento Mori: Masonry & Ego Death

Among those of us who might be called contemplatives, esotericists, or philosophers in Masonry, there is often talk of the ego. Defining the ego can itself be messy business.

Reflecting on the 30th Anniversary of my Masonic Initiation

The 30th anniversary of my initiation into Masonry occurred several days ago. So over the past few months I’ve been reflecting on our most fundamental experiences of the Craft, and reconsidering some of the foundation stones of our Masonic labors.

The Radicalism of Contemplative Practice

Lots of people, regardless of where they stand politically, are feeling tested by the social climate of their nation and world. When I dialogue with people about such matters, one of the things I hope for is that we more clearly see the complexity of whatever issue is at hand.

You Will Know When You Know

Today I want to share with you a reflection on a meditation I did nearly a year ago. It was an imagined visit with a character who represents great wisdom to me.

Contemplative Experiments in Masonry

It is often emphasized that the greatest benefits of contemplative practice come with sustained routine work. While I agree with that observation, I have also personally experienced and witnessed the value of conducting brief experiments with practices that aren’t part of one’s usual routine. This article offers guidelines for such experiments relevant to our lives as Masons, which can also be easily adapted by non-Masons.

Wielding the Contemplative Gavel

We talk a lot about virtues in Masonry, and for good reason. As the school of positive psychology persuasively argues, human beings fulfill more of their potentials and dreams by focusing more of their attention and energy on their strengths and the good that they desire to do.