This Man Was A Mason

Originally written in memory of Bro. Joseph Gordon Ervin, August 3, 1940 – December 8, 2018, of Walker, Louisiana, at the request of his son, Kenneth Ervin, by C.R. Dunning, Jr.

This man was a Mason,
He took up the tools
Of reverence and compassion
And virtuous rules.

When he was admitted,
His first test was prayer.
He knelt and committed
To honor God there.

And while resting his hand
Upon the Good Book,
He opened his heart and
Our vows he then took.

Kneeling amid brethren,
He promised to give
His best beneath
Heaven, A good life to live.

Since then he has traveled
On life’s rugged road,
And he must have struggled
With many a load.

That sometimes he stumbled
There can be no doubt.
He must have been humbled
More than we may count.

For though Masons aspire
To be right and true,
We can falter and tire
As all creatures do.

So we have not judged him,
That is not our place,
But rather we’ve loved him
With trust in God’s grace.

Now his tools are retired,

His labors have ended.
To the Temple on high
He has ascended.

Yet his spirit is here
As well as above,
In our memories so dear,
In his works of love.

For this man was a Mason,
He took up the tools
Of reverence and compassion
And virtuous rules.

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