
I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for Masonic podcasts. It seems that the circumstances of my life, and my own priorities in applying the 24-inch gauge, have resulted in me not having had the kind of consistently frequent in-person fraternal experience that many Masons relish. (Some Masons even have the strong attitude that in-personal fraternal involvement is the most important factor in what makes any Mason a “good” Mason. I disagree, but that’s a topic for another time.)

So, I note how valuable Masonic podcasts have been for helping me maintain a sense of connection with the Fraternity at large, especially those parts of it that are beyond my usual circles. Additionally, I often experience podcasts with a sense of being mindfully present with their hosts and guests as various topics are being explored. In that way, enjoying a podcast approaches an experience of contemplative dialogue in which I focus on listening to and understanding what others have to say, which in turn stimulates my own thinking and sometimes leads to entirely new insights and changes in perspective.

For a while now, I have been experiencing one of those times when reading is problematic, especially with books that deserve slow, reflective, meditative reading. I do have some time for shorter articles, and so I am also thankful for the Masonic publications that I subscribe to or visit online. But it has been very nice to listen to podcasts in moments of leisure and when I am traveling. Fortunately, there are several Masonic podcasts in which the hosts and their guests routinely do deeper dives into the psychological, philosophical, and spiritual aspects of the Builder’s Art, often informed by their own extensive studies, painstaking research, and inspired contemplations. In effect, I get to sample some very fine tinctures they have distilled and are willing to share.

I also want to note that there are other podcasts I value that are relevant to Freemasonry but not limited to it. There are many options in various fields of esotericism, philosophy, history, religion, spirituality, psychology, and meditation and other contemplative practices. Many of my favorites are actually hosted by Masons, often at least referencing the Craft’s relevance to their specialized interests, and sometimes focusing on the connections.

If you haven’t yet tapped into the vast resources available to you in the world of Masonic and related podcasts, then I hope you’ll consider how it might benefit you. Lodges and other Masonic organizations might even consider providing a list of podcasts to their members, especially those who find it hard to participate in person. It’s been tempting to include a list of podcasts that I can recommend, but I am not going to do that. Instead, I invite readers to provide their own recommendations in the comments below. If you do, please say a little about why you like the one(s) you’re listing. If you host a Masonic or related podcast, please feel free to tell us about it too!

4 Responses

  1. Hi Bro Chuck – a couple years ago I put together a Google sheet with a list of Masonic podcasts (and Tik Tok creators). I don’t use Tik Tok, so had another brother validate those. Anyway, I will share the link in the Website field below. Probably some of the newest ones are missing. If brothers have a podcast or tiktok creator that is not on the sheet, shoot me an email and I’ll get it added. Being a Wisconsin Freemason, I am partial to our own Further Light podcast, which is put out by the WI GL Education Committee. They do a great job. A couple years ago, they did a 6 episode presentation called “Masonry Under the Reich” which was some of the best masonic podcast content I have listened to!

    Thanks for all you do for our humble craft!

    1. Brother Kraig, thanks for including your list URL and welcoming others to contribute to it! Just to make sure everyone understands, you can see his list by clicking on his bolded name.

  2. Hi Chuck!
    Hope this finds you well.
    Thanks for the above post. I wholeheartedly agree to the benefit of many of the numerous podcasts out there. For me, it really helped strengthen my intention to petition and provided significant background exposure to the complex tapestry of Free Masonry as a non-Mason. I also found the healthy and lively discussions around various current events and challenges within the Craft highly informative, (ex. the Grand Lodge of Texas situation over the last year or so). My top choices are The Masonic Roundtable, WCY, and Rocky Mountain Mason to name a few. I even became a patreon of one to support the cause. Pls don’t forget your blog and excellent website as an inspirational resource for many too.

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