Reflections from Six Years’ Work on the Path
A friend and brother shares his reflections from six years of inner work in the Western Esoteric Traditions.
On Masonic Podcasts
I note how valuable Masonic podcasts have been for helping me maintain a sense of connection with the Fraternity at large.
Attachment Style & Spirituality
In this piece we look at attachment styles discussed in psychology, and look for clues about how they might shape the spiritual paths people select.
Mystical Awakening & Psychosocial Wellness
The purpose of this post is to present some personal observations on the title’s themes and encourage you to consider how they might be relevant to you and what you…
Hallmarks of Being on a Mystical Path
Such hallmarks are the outward evidence of the ways in which one’s soul is being transformed. (The word "way" is being intentionally emphasized here.)
NOT a Chamber of Reflection?
If you are familiar with the Chamber of Reflection, then you are also probably aware that many people have strong feelings about it, for and against.
News About My Forthcoming Book
Whereas my first two books provide guidance on a general contemplative engagement with Masonry, and my third presents theurgical work in relationship to the Rose Croix Degree of the AASR,…
Foreword to A Rose Croix Oratory | by Greg Kaminsky
The book you hold in your hands is actually much more than just a book. It is the result of a labor of love—one man’s quest to become better than…
Embracing the Mysteries of Pain
This piece relates to a basic existential problem, which is how we can respond to the sufferings of life so that me may know life’s beauty and bliss more fully.
On Tradition vs. Progress, and Other Conflicts
In a social media group focused on the Rosicrucian (R+C) movement, I recently expressed my appreciation to a poster who highlighted one of the conflicts confronted in that movement, and…
On the Purposes of Masonry and its Renaissance in the 21st Century
My current views on these issues. The title slide photo is of King Solomon's Archway in the Guthrie Scottish Rite Temple. It was taken by Brother Bob Ash.
Patterns in Contemplative Life, Part 5: Contemplation, Virtue, and Light
Just as we previously noted that contemplative practice can lead us to more fully appreciate our lack of complete self-awareness and self-control, it can also lead us to more clearly…
Patterns in Contemplative Life, Part 4: Mystery and Apprenticeship
When making a sincere effort at contemplative practice, one cannot fail to make some important observations about consciousness.
Patterns in Contemplative Life, Part 3: A Way of Being Versus a Thing for Doing
In Part 2 of this series, I mentioned the 24-inch Gauge and its relevance to cycles of labor and refreshment in contemplative practice. There are limits to that analogy beyond…
Patterns in Contemplative Life, Part 2: Labor and Refreshment
In this article, I draw on Masonic ideas of labor and refreshment to address some issues with discipline and routine, including certain attitudes that may or may not be helpful.
Patterns in Contemplative Life, Part 1: Remembering the Trestleboard
As a contemplative practitioner, facilitator, teacher, and consultant for many years, I’ve had the opportunity to observe certain recurring patterns in contemplative life.
On The Shadows of Masonry
Masonry is a tradition of philosophical and spiritual light. It paints beautiful pictures about love and virtue, tells inspiring stories from the mythic and historic past about them, and
A Masonic Response to Media Manipulation
The purpose of this piece is to explore how we can use Masonic principles to avoid or extract ourselves from being caught in the webs of psychological manipulation constantly being…
Spiritual Knighthood for the Common Good
Spiritual Knighthood for the Common Good Originally published in the September 2020 edition of The Oklahoma Scottish Rite Mason magazine. The title of this piece highlights a theme of immense…
Remembering John Miller
This morning, January 2, 2021, I got some sad news. My teacher, mentor, and dear friend, John F. Miller, III, passed away last night from COVID.
Genuine Shadow Work
After I posted a recent essay, Ego, Self-Improvement, and Shadow Work, a brother engaged me in an interesting discussion.
Ego, Self-Improvement, and Shadow Work
As a practitioner of contemplation, my attention is often drawn to the ego, that sense of my separate identity in the world, including the picture of myself as a more…
A Clarification on CM Exercises 1.1-1.5
Since the publication of Contemplative Masonry, I have occasionally received feedback that indicates a misunderstanding of intention for the exercises on mindful and prayerful behavior.
Contemplative Workshops & Retreats
Since publishing Contemplative Masonry, I have traveled the country, doing presentations about contemplative practice for lodges and other Masonic and non-Masonic groups.
A Letter to Petitioners and Candidates
What follows was written for a close friend who just got a petition. As I was writing, I realized it might be valuable to a larger audience, so I’m putting…
A St. John’s Day Contemplative Experiment
Masonry traditionally celebrates the days of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, whom we hold as our patron saints.
Initiation, Inner Work, & the Shattering of Spiritual Glamour
There are countless descriptions of initiations and their ensuing spiritual paths filled with promises of inspiration, integration, ascension, liberation, and illumination.
Reflections on the Feast of Tishri
This annual Scottish Rite event celebrates the completion and dedication of King Solomon’s Temple, which is of utmost importance to Freemasonry, and certainly to the Scottish Rite.
On Poor Public Conduct by Masons
Recently I was browsing through social media and had occasion to recall that the essential documents and rituals of our tradition teach many things about how Masons should conduct themselves.
On Varieties of Masonic Esotericists
Masonic esotericists come in many varieties, and there are numerous ways of differentiating them into groups. For the moment, consider the following five categories:
Memento Mori: Masonry & Ego Death
Among those of us who might be called contemplatives, esotericists, or philosophers in Masonry, there is often talk of the ego. Defining the ego can itself be messy business.
Reflecting on the 30th Anniversary of my Masonic Initiation
The 30th anniversary of my initiation into Masonry occurred several days ago. So over the past few months I’ve been reflecting on our most fundamental experiences of the Craft, and…
The Radicalism of Contemplative Practice
Lots of people, regardless of where they stand politically, are feeling tested by the social climate of their nation and world. When I dialogue with people about such matters, one…
You Will Know When You Know
Today I want to share with you a reflection on a meditation I did nearly a year ago. It was an imagined visit with a character who represents great wisdom…
Contemplative Experiments in Masonry
It is often emphasized that the greatest benefits of contemplative practice come with sustained routine work. While I agree with that observation, I have also personally experienced and witnessed the…
Truth, Relief, and Brotherly Love in the Mirror of Self-Reflection
The image of a mirror can be very helpful in understanding contemplative experience, because it is the nature of our consciousness, of our minds, to reflect.
A Suggestion about Interpretations of Masonic Symbols
Friends and brothers, here are some thoughts I’d like to share about interpreting/speculating about Masonic symbolism, especially as it relates to other initiatic traditions or esoteric systems.
Wielding the Contemplative Gavel
We talk a lot about virtues in Masonry, and for good reason. As the school of positive psychology persuasively argues, human beings fulfill more of their potentials and dreams by…
A Straightforward approach to Masonic Esotericism
Before we can speak meaningfully of Masonic esotericism, we must first establish a meaning for the word “esoteric.” In some Masonic jurisdictions
An Allegory for the Esoterically Inclined Mason
Let’s use our imaginations a little, and hopefully to worthy ends. First, let’s envision two Masons, Brother Bookman and Brother Wright
Making the Most of the Masonic Catechism
In Bro. Robert Davis’s recent TLP article, “What Came You Here to Do?”, he reminded his readers of one of the first and most important questions and answers we encounter…
Engaging the Risks of Contemplative Practice
Across all great spiritual traditions, there are warnings about risks in contemplative practices. This article explores some of those risks and associated problems, all of which I have personally experienced…